DELF/DALF Tout public
16+ years
DELF/DALF Tout public 16+ years
                                            DELF Junior
11-16 years
DELF Junior11-16 years
16+ years
TEF16+ years

The Alliance Française offers three  types of exams and diplomas: The DELF/DALF exam, DELF Jr. (11-16 years), and the TEF exams which can be taken for a variety of academic, proffessional, and personal reasons. 

The DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) and the DALF (Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française) are official diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify foreign candidates’ proficiency in French. The exams are useful for school records and college and job applications in French-speaking countries.
The Exams are given 3 times per year, in March, June, and December. See  dates for adults and for DELF Junior (Middle and High School age) below.
Learn more about the DELF exams on the official French governmental page.

The Test d’Évaluation de Français  (TEF ) is a test of general French which assesses the level of proficiency in French of francophones and non-francophones alike.Created in 1998 by the Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industrie,  TEF is an international benchmark test that measures your level of knowledge and skills in French. It is recognised as official proof of language proficiency by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) as well as by the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés Culturelles du Québec (MICC) for permanent residency applications, Certificat de Sélection du Québec applications and Canadian citizenship applications.  - Learn more about the TEF  on the official Français des Affaires page.

What is the TEF?

The Test d’Évaluation de Français (TEF ) is a test of general French which assesses the level of proficiency in French of francophones and non-francophones alike. Created in 1998 by the Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industrie,  TEF is an international benchmark test that measures your level of knowledge and skills in French.

The TEF is officially recognized by :

  • the French Ministry of Education
  • the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
  • the French Ministry of the Interior
  • the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship of Canada
  • the Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Francisation and Integration
  • the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration

The TEF assesses the candidate’s proficiency in French using a 7 level scale based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CECRL) and the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB).
It  consists of 4 modules: listening, speaking, reading and/or writing

Learn more about the TEF Learn more about the TEF

Please read the terms and conditions thouroughly before enrolling.

What is the TEF?

The TEF consists of 5 parts* :

  • Oral comprehension (CO) 
  • Written comprehension (CE) 
  • Oral Expression (EO) – 2 topics 
  • Written Expression (EE) – 2 topics 
  • Vocabulary and syntax (LS)

*According to your goals and the formalities you need to complete, you can choose the TEF version that includes the tests you require.

Why take the TEF?

The TEF provides confirmation of one’s level of competency in French in any professional, academic or mobility-related context,
and in particular for:

  • Studying in France with the TEF Études
  • Obtaining French nationality with the TEF Naturalisation
  • Emigrating to Canada and obtaining Canadian citizenship with the TEF Canada
  • Emigrating to Quebec with the TEF Québec – TEFAQ

Alliance Française
de La Nouvelle-Orléans

1519 Jackson Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70130

Monday-Thursday: 10am-6pm
Friday: 10am-4pm



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