Ciné-Club : Sympathie pour le diable
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1519 Jackson Ave. |
8 Places Remaining |

Sympathie pour le Diable de Guillaume de FONTENAY
Ciné-Club for September will be September 24 at 7:00 pm. The event will take place at the AFNO, and space is limited, so register in advance! *AFNO members receive free admittance but still require tickets. The price should automatically be waived if you are logged into your AFNO account. Please contat Joseph at with any questions.* Film will have English subtitles.
Film Synopsis: 1992, war is raging in what will become Ex-Yugoslavia. Paul is covering the siege of Sarajevo. Flamboyant dandy, loud mouth, adrenaline junkie, provocative cigar-smoker, Paul Marchand is the war correspondent archetype. Racing through Sniper’s Alley in his white Ford, the Frenchman relentlessly tells the apathic western world about the ongoing massacre . In a urban war zone where everything that moves is a target, Paul tries to live, love and inform. How much can he endure before he starts taking up arms?
Ciné-club du mois de septembre sera le 24 septembre à 19h dans à l'Alliance Française.
Synopsis du film: Sarajevo, novembre 92, sept mois après le début du siège. Le reporter de guerre Paul Marchand nous
plonge dans les entrailles d’un conflit fratricide, sous le regard impassible de la communauté internationale. Entre son objectivité
journalistique, le sentiment d’impuissance et un certain sens du devoir face à l’horreur, il prendra parti.